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wanna get my ripe stinkin or crusty or cummed socks? ask me!!! get any you like

  • Socks Condition: Used
  • Country: United States
  • Contact Method: Email
  • Payment Method: Paypal
  • Listed: December 12, 2024 1:47 am
  • Expires: 20 days, 10 hours
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Hey, Student here. This is for my ripe SOCKS (short, medium or crew), used heavily, can get em ripe as you like, cumm in em, whatever you would like best. Let me know what all you want to get! Send discreet always, just let me know what you want! I run 6 days a week, play soccer lots, and make a lot of really sweet cum for you guys–little Mike is a big squirter. Ask me!!! email me! (also list my briefs/boxerbriefs jock shirt condoms cum bottle
and other gear here so look for em & ask me)

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Listing ID: 78558dd5e1104158


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